In the heart of it lies one big question - when to split node to add more detail, and when to combine 4 nodes to one, so to remove unneeded detail. My first thoughts were to make some kind of table with the dependency of distance to node to necessary LoD level, but it was rejected soon because of planet sizes, which varies a lot. For example, using this approach my big planets will be less detailed, rather than small ones because of node's size - it will be bigger for big planets.. like the side of a big cube is bigger that the side of a small one.
Then I tried to calculate the ratio between the distance to node and node's size, and this gave a better result.
The idea is simple. First I calculate the factor (F) which equals to distance to node (actually the it's the distance to closest vertex of a node) divided by node's size. Then I analyze this like so:
- If F is less than some number (Kmin), which means that camera is close to node, then extra detail should be added (the node should be split on 4 smaller nodes). Of course here the check should be added if the detail level is at it's maximum.
- If F i greater than some number (Kmax), which means, that camera is far enough from the node, then extra detail should be removed. And of course here the check should be added if the detail level is at it's minimum.
- And finally, if F is between Kmin and Kmax - do nothing.
Something like this. In this picture I have chosen Kmin to be 2, and Kmax to be 3, but it's obvious, that this is the place to experiment.
This logic needs to be integrated in the procedure that scans all the quadtree, and decides if the leaf should just be rendered, or divided/combined.