I have managed to draw a single quad on the window, and make split algorithm work properly. It uses parent quad's vertex coordinates and makes new 4 quads and calculates it's vertex coordinates.
I have realized, that basically I need to store in some king of list all my new quads, and later on I also need to make a procedure (at the moment just a simple one) that looks through this lists and makes another one, containing only leafs - quads that have to be rendered.
To store it I used LinkedList class. Very useful.
I needed to make a cube that consist of 6 quads (6 sides) at the moment of creation. The problem was that by defining a tree (as it should be defined) it should have only one root (quad, or whatever). By making 6 sides, I basically create 6 roots, and I was afraid that I will have problems later when I will have to make some kind of procedure, that will need to find all quads that have to be rendered, because that way I will need to call it for each 6 primary quads. The solution with lists I found quite resultive.
This is the result of primary cube. At the moment I have decided to draw cube so that it's center is in the (0;0;0) and vertexes have by default +1 or -1 in all direction, multiplied by scale factor. Later on I will have to add algorithm that could place the cube in any coordinates so that all formulas stay consistant and correct. But that will be later.
This is the result of splitting the primary cube 3 times (6 sides times 4^3 gives 384 quads).
By now it works, by the framerate results doesn't make me happy, because by dividing the prime cube 5 times gives only 20 fps and that's odd.
Next step will be finding out why the hell fps are so small :) and second make a sphere out of cube - it should be spherical planet, not cube like :)
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