Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Matter of scale

Yesterday I was thinking more closely about numbers to understand the scales of the star system(s), and ways to deal with them.

I started from understanding how far is the distance from our Sun to the last planet. According to Wikipedia, the Neptune is about 30 AU (astronomical units. 1AU = 149’597’871 kilometers, or 92’960’000 miles). Objects of Kuiper belt, or so called trans-Neptunian objects, may be placed at the distance not far from 55 AU in their average radius, and it consists mostly from small objects, like asteroid belt. The biggest body of Kuiper belt is Eris, which has 97 AU in aphelion and 37 AU in perihelion. Beyond Kuiper belt lies The Oort cloud - a hypothesized spherical cloud of comets which may lie roughly 50’000 AU, or nearly a light-year, from the Sun. Oort cloud consists from asteroids, space dust and comets.

So, for the star like our Sun (G2 star), which has a mass of 1.9+E30kg. the distance from its center to the farthest object could be around 1’000 AU, or about 1.49+E11km. A thousand AU came from the idea that if I want to make project close to reality, I may close my eyes on every and very far object in the star system, but, never the less, make enough space to model some really far objects. My guess is that this number can easily be divided even 10 times, and it will be more than enough, and later I will use the number of 100 AU for the stars like our Sun.

But! According to this nice article, O-class stars may have mass from 15 to 90 times more, than the mass of the Sun. Taking in account the dependency of gravity force from objects mass by Newton’s law, such big stars will have the same about of gravitational force at the distance of square root of mass. So, if the mass is 90 times bigger, then the distance will be a bit more less than 10 times.

With all that in mind, I need to be able to operate with the distances of 1’000 AU for a single star.

According to Wikipedia, almost half of the stars in our galaxy are systems of two stars, or binary star systems, where 2 stars floats around their center of mass. It is written there that some binary systems may have more suitable conditions for planet formation, rather than single stars may have.

But let’s fantasize a bit and assume that even star systems with 3 or 4 stars may have a condition to form planets (stable or not), and to be able to make and fly around such star system I will need, let’s say the double space I have calculated.

So, 2’000 AU will be enough for any condition and any star in my virtual galaxy. And it is equal to 299’195’742’000 km, in every direction from the star system center. That is a HUGE space. By the way, if I move with the speed of light (which is equal to 299’792 km/sec.) I will need about 693 days, or almost 2 years to travel from the center of star system to its boundaries. But why should I worry? I have a hyperspace drive, haven’t I? :)

If I want to have a precision of 1 meter in my project, I will need to be able to operate with the numbers from -2.99+E14 to +2.99+E14, which can perfectly be held by double precision floating points. But dealing with doubles every time with every object may significally decrease the performance.

I came up with idea of so called local space and global space to, probably, solve performance issues I might have, if I use doubles everywhere. The idea is to render/calculate everything using global scale units when player’s cam isn’t near any global object of star system (global units have a precision of, let’s say 10000 km), and switch to local (coordinates), when player’s cam enters some certain region near any global space object, for example planet. If we assume that each space body has its global coordinates, then local space would be bounded and centered to the current position of the body.

Switching back and forth from global to local coordinates should probably spare some CPU power and give me necessary precision.

I should post some more thoughts on this idea later.

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